Friday, December 31, 2010

The task

"Why do you never find anything written about that idiosyncratic thought you avert to, about your fascination with something no one else understands? Because it is up to you" --Annie Dillard

Thursday, December 30, 2010

This is what drawing and journaling teach me:

"The way the self arrays itself is the form of the entire world. Whoever told people that "mind" means thoughts, opinions, ideas, and concepts? Mind means trees, fence posts, tiles, and grasses."
-Dogen Zenji

sleepy cocoa

Sleeping dogs make the best models.

ballpoint raven

holiday spirit


I work for Domestic and Sexual Violence Services of Carbon County. I was asked to create a poster for our fundraiser--an evening of Brazilian food and samba dancing. Samba was, initially, tricky subject matter. Knowing nothing about samba, I turned to Google Images and found pretty much lots of pictures of very scantily clad women in fancy hats--not exactly the kind of image we want for a feminist organization . . .
So, I had fun with my imagination and envisioned what samba looks like to me and came up with this . . .

cocoa napping

buddha board

india ink on alva skate deck.

tuesday salt shaker

I want to look at every day objects and experiences and see more.

clark's nutrcrackers and singer

sunday journal

show posters